• admindesk@icoyacaafrica.org
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Secretary-General Wamkele Mene's Reappointment Marks Key Milestone as AU Adopts the Protocol on Digital Trade

Secretary-General Wamkele Mene's Reappointment Marks Key Milestone as AU Adopts the Protocol on Digital Trade

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South Africa Joins the AfCFTA Guided Trade Initiative: A Boost for Intra-African Trade

A positive stride towards economic integration and prosperity: South Africa officially joins AfCFTA's Guided Trade Initiative, boosting intra-African trade. The move opens new opportunities for young entrepreneurs, comprising 25% of MSMEs in the country. Key steps include awareness campaigns, streamlined trade procedures and capacity building. ICOYACA remains committed to educating African youth on the AfCFTA for fostering economic empowerment and awareness.

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The AfCFTA Youth Advisory Council Team led by the Chairperson Mr. Emolot Allan David participated in the AfCFTA Business Forum 2023. Before the forum started, Our AfCFTA Champions from all regions of the continent are attending the Pre-AfCFTA Business Forum 2023 Event organized by AfCFTA Secretariat, International Trade Centre and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) among others partners under the theme: Activating Trade & Investments.

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