• admindesk@icoyacaafrica.org

Youth Trade and Economic Integration Experience Exchange Forums (AFRO- EURO, AFRO-ASIA, AFRO-USA and AFRO-CARICOM)

The Youth Trade And Economic Integration Experience Exchange Forums were initiated to put African and global Young professionals and entrepreneurs at centre-stage with National, Regional, and Continental leaders and Policymakers, to promote peer learning and youth leadership in trade, as well as advance practical solutions for African and Global Economic Integration. The forum are also used to discuss business opportunities and develop strategies to enable youth-led small businesses to export successfully from Africa to the world market and vice versa. The forums organised are:

1. African-European (AFRO-EURO) Youth Trade and Economic Integration Experience Exchange Forum – (Late September, Hybrid Event)

On 17-18 February 2022, during the 6th European Union - African Union Summit, the Heads of State and Government met under the Co-Chairpersonship of H.E. Mr. Charles Michel, President of the European Council and H.E. Mr. Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairperson of the African Union and agreed that the aim of the Joint Vision 2030 is to consolidate a renewed Partnership for solidarity, security, peace and sustainable and sustained economic development and prosperity for citizens of the African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU) and for the future generations, bringing together her people, regions and organisations.

They noted that the existing trade agreements between the EU and some African countries have contributed to the strengthening and deepening of trade and economic development between the two continents. They therefore committed to boosting regional and continental economic integration, particularly through the African Continental Free Trade Area and work gradually towards the progressive and mutually beneficial integration of the respective continental markets. It is against this backdrop that the AFRO-EURO Youth Trade And Economic Integration Experience Exchange Forum was initiated.

2. African-Asia (AFRO-ASIA) Youth Trade and Economic Integration Experience Exchange Forum – (Mid-April, Hybrid Event).

Asia sees Africa’s youthful population as a source of labour for its manufacturing companies and a market for its consumer goods. Although trade should be reciprocal, the continent’s trade deficit is large as it continues to import significantly more than it exports. China and India are the Asian countries leading when it comes to trading within African countries. Bilateral trade between China and Africa rose 35% in 2021 from 2020 to $254bn, with exports from the continent hitting a record $106bn. Currently, Nigeria is Africa’s biggest importer from China while South Africa is the biggest exporter. Other major exporters include Angola and the DRC. All three are big producers of metals or oil.

In order to ensure that African Women and Youth in Trade benefit from the increased economic interests of Asian countries, we have initiated the AFRO-ASIA Youth Trade And Economic Integration Experience Exchange Forum.

3. African-American (AFRO-AMERICA) Youth Trade and Economic Integration Experience Exchange Forum (Mid-June, Hybrid Event).

On the occasion of the U.S.-Africa Leaders’ Summit in Washington, D.C., the United States and the African Union, under the leadership of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of Senegal and Chair of the African Union Macky Sall, and African Union Commission Chair Moussa Faki Mahamat, resolved to enhance collaboration to promote inclusive growth and sustainable development. They agreed to bring together businesses and government leaders to advance two-way trade and accelerate investment in quality infrastructure. They also agreed to leverage on both institutions and programs, in addition to strengthening enabling environments, to realize the shared aspiration.  This includes expanded engagement and cooperation between the United States and African countries to support the aims of the Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

It is against this backdrop that the AFRO-AMERICA Youth Trade And Economic Integration Experience Exchange Forum was initiated.

4. African-Caribbean (AFRO-CARICOM) Youth Trade and Economic Integration Experience Exchange Forum (Mid-June, Hybrid Event).

The Caribbean countries are considered Africa’s Sixth region and trade agreements including a partnership with the AfCFTA Secretariat has been signed. This move to strengthen trade relations between the African continent and Caribbean countries is intended to deepen trade integration and effect economic growth and development. It is therefore upon this backdrop that we will organize this engagement to deepen trade relation among the youths of both nations.


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