• admindesk@icoyacaafrica.org


GTI seeks to facilitate commercially meaningful trading, among interested State Parties that have met the minimum requirements for trade, under theAgreement. More specifically, the initiative will enable us to: -test the operational, institutional, legal, and trade policy environment under the AfCFTA; -allow commercially meaningful trading under the AfCFTA; and -send a positive message to Africa’s economic operators about the veracity of the AfCFTA as well as its promise to create real opportunities in Africa.

Roadmap adopted for the Functions and Activities of the GTI:

  • Establishment/ fast tracking adhoc Committees in State Parties.
  • B2B connections amongst eg manufacturers associations and chambers of commerce and otherAgencies.
  • Participation of stakeholders and authorities in State Parties eg Customs, standard regulatory authorities etc
  • Involvement of logistics, including shipping companies and various partners in the financialsector.

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