• admindesk@icoyacaafrica.org


Functions of the NTB Coordination Unit

The main function of the NTB Coordination Unit, will be to coordinate the elimination of NTBs working together with the NTB Sub-Committee, National Focal Points and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) NTB Units and any other forum working in the same area.

Article 8

National Monitoring Committees (NMCs)

1. Each State Party shall establish a National Monitoring Committee

2. The functions of the National Monitoring Committees shall include:

  • Identifying, resolving and monitoring NTBs; (b) defining the process of elimination;
  • Confirming deadlines for action;
  • Agreeing on recourse due to non-action;
  • Defining the mandate and responsibilities of NTB institutional structures, and
  • providing clear guidelines to the business community for the resolution of identified NTBs and any other related activities.

3. The National Monitoring Committee shall comprise of relevant stakeholders representing the private and public sectors.

4. Where a reported measure has been identified as an NTB, but has not been resolved, the NMC shall proceed to include it in the Time Bound Elimination Matrix for further action or resolution as provided for under Article 13 of this Annex.

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