• admindesk@icoyacaafrica.org

AfCFTA Youth Engage Series

Our AfCFTA Youth Engage Series is a webinar that hosts government officials, various trade experts and development partner working in the AfCFTA implementation related processes. This engagement aims to inform and share knowledge to women and youth of Africa about the AfCFTA and opportunities therein for them.

We organize regional/continental, Regional Economic Block Profiling and Country AfCFTA Profiling. These profiling are aimed at: 1). Assessing the implementation of the AfCFTA at the Continental level, REC level and Country Level. 2). Discuss trade governance topics that relate to each level. 3). Discus topical issues affecting each of the levels. The aim of these series is to ensure we have meaningful discussions and develop concrete solutions on how to advance intra-African trade.


Project Team

Thembela Msibi

Project Lead


Project Lead


Project Lead


Project Lead


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