• admindesk@icoyacaafrica.org

AfCFTA Youth Day and Africa Youth Month Commemoration 2023 - Cairo, Egypt

The African Union Commission (AUC) through the Women, Gender and Youth Directorate (WGYD) and the Office of the Youth Envoy in partnership with African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) , the Independent Continental Youth Advisory Council on AfCFTA (ICOYACA)  and International Trade Centre (ITC) organised a Dialogue sessions as part of AfCFTA Youth Day and Africa Youth Day 2023 celebrations during the  dedicated satellite event on youth employment and employability skills in Cairo, Egypt – representing the North Africa region.

  1. Objectives

The main objective of the session was the Empowerment and Economic Growth of African Youth through Employment and job creation, this included

  1. Identifying drivers and challenges for youth employment in Africa’s industrialisation, and the 21st century skills that are required for youth to take advantage of Africa’s industrialisation and the AfCFTA.
  2. Empowering African youth with knowledge, skills, resources, and entrepreneurial support to leverage the AfCFTA for economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development.
  3. Fostering market connectivity, intra-African trade, and youth networks while enabling youth voices to shape policies and initiatives, ensuring their active involvement in decision-making processes.
  1. Outcomes
  1. Enhanced understanding of financial inclusion, industrialization, market connectivity and AfCFTA intersections.
  2. Identified drivers and challenges for youth employment in Africa's industrialization.
  3. Fostered networking, partnerships, and skills development spaces for African youth, encouraging collaboration and policy influence in AfCFTA implementation.

About the AfCFTA Youth Day and the Africa Youth Day 2023

The African Youth Charter was adopted through an Executive Council Decision of the Banjul Summit of 2006 (DOC.EX.CL. /292 (IX), established the 1st November as “African Youth Day (AYD).” The day recognizes a unified voice of young people, which aims to increase awareness of commitment to and investment in youth; increase and strengthen youth participation and partnerships, as well as increase intercultural exchanges and understanding among young people. 

Relatedly, the brokering of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA) represents a historic milestone in Africa's economic integration. With its potential to create the largest free trade area in the world, the AfCFTA presents immense opportunities for African youth to participate in intra-African trade, entrepreneurship, and innovation. The annual AfCFTA Youth Day Commemoration which takes place on 09th November every year, serves as a platform to engage, empower, and inspire African youth to actively contribute to the AfCFTA's success. This is the second commemoration, the first happened last year in Kampala, Uganda.

The AfCFTA Youth Day also commemorates the unique formation of the Independent Continental Youth Advisory Council on AfCFTA (ICOYACA), launched by H.E Jakaya Kikwete former president of Tanzania and Hon. Dr. Peter Mathuki, East African Community Secretary General on the 09th November 2021 during the Youlead Africa Summit and later the unveiling by H.E Wamkele Mene, the Secretary General of the AfCFTA Secretariat on April 29th 2022. The first AfCFTA Youth Day was commemorated in Kampala, Uganda with support from the International Trade Centre in 2022 details can be found here.

Note: The AfCFTA Youth Day 2924 will take place in West Africa, Lome Togo.

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