• admindesk@icoyacaafrica.org
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William Awomoyi

Diasporean Affairs

William Awomoyi is a multi-award-winning Public Sector Strategist with a track record in delivering successful projects. He has provided his services all across the globe from Switzerland’s Federal Palace all the way to the East African Community HQ (Tanzania). He’s worked with the UK Govt; Commonwealth; Chatham House; Bank of England; British Council and more, whilst chairing the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Youth. Additionally, William is a seasoned keynote speaker having delivered speeches at Marlborough House, Barbican Centre, SOAS University, Cambridge University, Lagos State University and the Chartered Institute of Waste Management. Owing to his contribution to public service, William has been invited to Buckingham Palace; the Houses of Parliament (3x); Downing Street (2x); Westminster Abbey; the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office; the Department of Culture, Media and Sport; City Hall and Guildhall.

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